Friday, February 29, 2008

Wiggles & Ponytails

Dancing to the Wiggles with Baby.

Singing with the Wiggles

Gabby's first ponytail - which she was truly thrilled about.
She's going to be a girly girl.

Nothing too exciting happening here. Except for more snow, but that's really not exciting anymore. Exciting would be if all the snow melted and spring arrived early! We've been indoors lots, which means watching the Wiggles far too many times in one day. This week we started started parent/child swimming lessons at the YMCA. Gabby loved it! And we're continuing the gymnastics class. Daddy had the privilege of taking Gabby to gymnastics this week. I think they had fun together.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunshine & Warmth

Greetings from Orlando. We're all enjoying the warmth and sunshine. Just a couple of snapshots to share.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Favorite Spot


say "broccoli"

History making snow fall

Just trying to stay cozy and warm these days. It's xtreme outside the past two days. Gabby prefers to stay in her jammies all day and be snuggly warm. The big excitement today was venturing out to see the chiropractor. Gabby loves visiting Dr. Jean. I tried going without her today - she was going to stay with Nana instead. When I told her I was leaving to see Dr. Jean she wined "Gabby too! I see Dr. Jean." She even wanted to get on the table first today. She's such a good little patient. Other than that we read books, watched the Wiggles and Mr. Rogers and now she's down for a nap.

We miss Daddy - he's in sunny, warm Orlando for work. We're headed there on Thursday - can't wait!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Not much new

Can't find the cable to connect the camera to the computer. So no images from today. Instead a sweet photo of Gabby take about 2 weeks ago. She's the cutest! Big day tomorrow - our last session of Gymnastics. Then off to Meg's house for a few hours while I attend a meeting. Tomorrow night Sara arrives for a visit - we're excited to see her. Kisses & Hugs to Daddy - we miss you!